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loops in java programming


Objects are not defined in the same way that types are defined. Objects have properties, data which may be accessed by other objects. This is the opposite of the idea of encapsulation. They can be created and accessed by other objects.

This may seem confusing, but it is actually a feature of the programming language. Each object has an instance of a class and properties. The data for the object may be defined by the class and stored in the class. This is called encapsulation. The class can be made private and only the object can see it. If the class is private, then only the object of that class can access it. The instance may be public and shared among all objects, or it may be private and only the object can access it.

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Each object has a method to access the properties. This allows the object to access the data of the other object. This is how objects are supposed to work. If you create an object, you are supposed to be able to access the data of the object. In this way, the code is much easier to manage and maintain.

Java uses objects to represent every type of entity. It uses this method to make the languages object-oriented. This allows for an object to be created from a certain type of data, or from a set of data, in order to represent it.

Statements A statement is a statement which is executed within the body of the program. This includes the initialization of variables, the creation of objects, and the return of a value from a method. A statement is the code which is used to set variables and execute a method. This may be done by placing a command within parentheses.

This usually occurs after the variable. It is used to execute a method. It will also give the variable a value.

Objects are used to execute statements. This allows for the execution of the code. There are two types of statements:

Conditional If statements check a condition. It is possible to check multiple conditions by using the boolean expression for each condition.

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types of conditional statements in java


An if-else statement is the most commonly used conditional statement. It can be used to check one condition, and then based on this, a second condition is checked. If the first condition is true, the second condition is evaluated. If the first condition is false, the statement is exited.

If Statements

This is the simplest type of if statement. An if statement checks one condition. The else part is optional. It will be executed when the first condition is true. This is a single if statement. If there are multiple conditions which need to be checked, the statement is divided into multiple statements.

If-Else Statements

An if-else statement will check both conditions and, based on the result, execute a second condition. If the first condition is true, then the statement is executed. If the first condition is false, then the statement is skipped. An if-else statement can have an else part. This part will be executed if the first part is false.


The following code demonstrates the simple if statement.

if ( condition )

System.out.println(“Something happened”);

It checks the condition, and executes the code if the condition is true. This is a simple conditional statement.

The following example demonstrates the if-else statement.

if ( condition )

System.out.println(“Something happened”);


System.out.println(“Something else happened”);

It checks the condition, and executes the code if the condition is true. If it is not true, it executes the else part. This is a simple if-else statement.

The following example demonstrates a conditional with multiple conditions. It checks three conditions:

if ( condition1 )

if ( condition2 )

if ( condition3 )

System.out.println(“something happened”);

The code is executed based on the first condition being true, the second condition being true, or the third condition being true.

while Statement

This type of statement executes a command repeatedly until a certain condition is met. A while loop may be used to control the execution of a program. This type of loop is used in some programs. It is important to make sure that the program is not exited without executing the code. This can cause a problem if the loop is not terminated.

There are two parts of a while loop: the while and the loop condition. The while part sets a condition that is true until the loop terminates.

The loop condition is used to decide when the loop terminates. This can be an expression which can return a value. This may be a condition which must be true.

An example of a while loop would be:

while ( condition )

This program can be used to display the even numbers. A condition is created which checks if the number is even. If it is even, the loop is exited.

While Statements

While ( condition )




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basics of java programming



