C Programming language-C Preprocessors

C Preprocessors

The preprocessor program is invoked by the compiler which modifies the source code before the actual composition takes place.

To use any preprocessor, we have to prefix them with a pound symbol (#).

The following are the preprocessor directives:

Macro substitution division
Include the File



Macro define

Macro undefine



If Macro defined

If Macro not defined

File inclusion division






Else if


End if 

Compiler control division 




set the line number 

Aborting the compilation

set compiler option

Example 1:

#define MAX 5
int main()
    int i;
    for(i = 1; i <= MAX; i++)
        printf("Hello %d", i);


Hello 1
Hello 2
Hello 3
Hello 4
Hello 5
In the above example, the loop will run 5 times.
#include tells the compiler to add stdio.h from System Libraries to the current source file
#define MAX 5, tells the compiler to set the value 5 to it.

Example 2:

#undef MAX
#define MAX 10
In the above example, undefined existing MAX and set it to 10.

Example 3:

#ifndef MAX
	#define MAX 100

The compiler will define MAX only when it is not defined before.