WorkDay Tutorial-ACTIVITY — Call workday web services from EIB

 Scenario: You are asked to test the Get_Worker WWS API using EIB 

·       Test Get_Worker without specifying input parameters 

·       Test Get_Worker to only get certain pages of Worker information


1.       Create an Outbound EIB named WICT EIB GetWorkers WWS 

2.       For the Data Source (the Get Data icon), under the Web Service Data Source prompt click Create (do not select the pre-existing Get Workers, if it appears in the prompt list, or any other listed object)

3.       After clicking Create, click to Create Web Service Data Source, as shown here:

4.       For Web Service Operation, select Get Workers (Web Service), which appears near the bottom of the list.

5.       Accept the default value for Version and click OK


  6.       For the Delivery (the Deliver icon), select Send results back to Workday as an Attachment and specify a File Name of GetWorkersOut.xml

7.    Specify a non-zero Document Retention Policy

Click Save and note the warning “No RequestXML and Launch Parameters have been defined for the Web Service Data Source. Use the Edit task for the Web Service Data source to complete the setup”

8.       Fix this issue by using the Related Action on the Data Source Get Workers Web Service Data

Source > Edit

9.       Click the (-) to delete the Launch Parameter (the UI incorrectly assumed we wanted at least one Launch Parameter) 

10.   Replace the Request XML with the following input XML for the Get_Workers WWS API: 

<wd:Get_Workers_Request xmlns:wd="urn:com.workday/bsvc"> </wd:Get_Workers_Request>

11.   Click OK, then Done 

12.   If your new EIB is not displayed, use Search to find it (recall, it is an Integration System) 

13.   Notice that the Warning message (from a previous step) no longer exists 

14.   Launch this EIB (Run Now) using System Default values (no changes) 

15.   The results will be quite large (8+ MB), so do not to open this file in any browser or editor. Instead, continue to the next step (Part 2) to obtain a somewhat smaller file as the result. 

Part 2: Slightly change the Request XML by specifying that you would like to retrieve only page number 4 of the results, as shown here:

<wd:Get_Workers_Request xmlns:wd="urn:com.workday/bsvc"> 





16.   Note that to do above, you will once again need to delete a launch parameter (which the Workday UI assumed you wanted.)


17.   Launch and then open the resulting xml file in a browser (or an XML editor if you have one), and investigate the structure of the xml output, such as the Worker_Data

One thing to notice is that under Response_Data/Worker/Worker_Data there is Personal_Data, Employment_Data and Compensation_Data (all of which are too large to have expanded in below, and still fit onto one page):