WorkDay Tutorial-ACTIVITY —Schedule New hire Integration System

 Scenario: Now that the Employee New Hire Integration has been developed and tested it is time to move it to production. To accomplish this task you will schedule the integration system to run EVERY DAY, Monday – Friday. You will schedule the integration to run within the next 15 minutes (from now) for the first time. It should then run every day at the same time. We will first edit the integration system to output to SFTP.

Tasks & Reports to Use 

Edit Integration System 

Launch / Schedule Integration 

Process Monitor 


1.      From the Related Action icon of the WICT NewHireIntegration system, select Enterprise 

Interface > Launch Configuration Wizard 

2.       Click the Deliver icon. 

3.       In the prompt for External Endpoint, select Create > Create SFTP Transport Protocol. The Create SFTP Transport Protocol window opens. Complete using details provided by your

        instructor. The following screenshot serves as an example:

4.       Click OK 

5.       Change the File name to include your initials:  _NewHireIntegration.csv 

6.       Click Save


 1.       Use Search to find the Launch/Schedule Integration task, or use the related action off of the integration system 

 2.       Use the icon to choose the WICT NewHireIntegration integration system 

 3.       Select Daily Recurrence from the Run Frequency dropdown 

 4.       Click the OK button

 Enter EIB Criteria

 5.    Configure the Integration Criteria tab as follows:


Value Type and Value






Value Type = Determine Value at Runtime: Value = First Day of Last Calendar









Value Type = Determine Value at Runtime: Value = Today






Use System Default


Doc Retention Policy

Use System Default





Notice the parameters for our external SFTP server endpoint. 

Enter Schedule Information 

 6.       Click on the Schedule tab located near the upper left-hand side of the screen 

 7.       Configure the scheduling as follows:

 8.       Click the OK button to save your Scheduled Future Process 

 9.       Search for Scheduled Future Processes and run the report 

 10.   Refresh the Scheduled Future Processes task after 15 minutes has passed, to verify that the A number of Times Run column has changed from 0 to 1.

 11.   The instructor will display the SFTP directory to verify the delivery of the output file.

Field Name

Entry Value





Recurrence Type

Recurs Every Weekday (accept this default)


Start Time

Pick a time within next 15 min (note AM/PM)





Time Zone

Choose, based on your specified Start Time


Start Date

Today’s Date





End Date

Tomorrow’s Date