WorkDay Tutorial-Integration exception reports

Integration Exception Audit 

Lists exceptions for integration systems. The report summarizes critical errors and warnings by integration system and provides suggestions to help you resolve each problem. Workday does not prevent you from launching an integration with exceptions, but you can avoid integration failure by viewing the exception audit to identify issues and take action

Scheduled Future EIBs Exception Audit

Lists exceptions in EIB integrations that are scheduled to run in the future. The report identifies two types of security-related exceptions: 

·       EIBs that cannot be launched by the scheduled user due to insufficient security. Resolve the exception by modifying the current user's security permissions or transferring ownership to another user. 

·       EIBs that cannot be triggered by workflow steps in business process definitions due to insufficient user security. Either modify the security for the user specified in the workflow step or edit the business process definition to assign a different user to the step.