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Git workflow refers to a set of practices and procedures that govern how a development team uses Git for version control in a collaborative software development project. Different teams might adopt different workflows based on their needs and the nature of the project. Here, I’ll explain a common workflow called “Git Flow,” which was popularized by Vincent Driessen in 2010.

The Git Flow Workflow consists of several branches and defines when and how they should be used. Here are the main branches and their purposes:

  1. Master Branch: This branch represents the stable, production-ready version of your software. It should always contain code that is ready for deployment.
  2. Develop Branch: This branch serves as an integration branch where features and fixes are merged before being considered for release. Developers work on their features and bug fixes in separate feature branches.
  3. Feature Branches: These branches are created for developing new features or functionality. Each feature is developed in its own branch, which is based on the develop branch. Once the feature is complete, it’s merged back into the develop branch.
  4. Release Branches: When the develop branch has accumulated enough features and fixes and is ready for a release, a new release branch is created from develop. Final testing, bug fixing, and preparing the release notes occur in this branch. Once everything is ready, the release branch is merged into both master and develop branches. Additionally, a version tag is often created in the master branch.
  5. Hotfix Branches: These branches are used to address critical issues in the master branch. If a bug is found in the production version, a hotfix branch is created from the master branch. After fixing the bug, the hotfix branch is merged into both master and develop branches.

The typical flow of this workflow might look like this:

  1. Create a develop branch from the master branch.
  2. For each new feature, create a feature branch from develop.
  3. Once a feature is complete, merge the feature branch into develop.
  4. When enough features are ready for release, create a release branch from develop.
  5. Test, fix, and finalize the release in the release branch.
  6. Merge the release branch into both master and develop, and tag the master branch with a version.
  7. If critical issues are found in the master branch, create a hotfix branch from master.
  8. Fix the issue in the hotfix branch and merge it into both master and develop.
  9. Rinse and repeat for future releases and hotfixes.

DevOps training  in coimbatore is a program or course designed to provide individuals with the knowledge and skills required to adopt and implement DevOps practices in software development and IT operations. DevOps is a set of principles, practices, and tools aimed at fostering collaboration and communication between software development teams and IT operations teams, with the goal of delivering software more rapidly, reliably, and efficiently.

It’s important to note that while Git Flow is a well-defined and widely used workflow, it might not be the best fit for every team or project. Depending on your team’s preferences and the nature of your development cycle, you might choose to modify or adapt this workflow to better suit your needs. Additionally, other workflows like GitHub Flow, GitLab Flow, and GitOps have gained popularity and offer different approaches to version control and collaboration.