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what is pom in selenium

what is pom in selenium

what is pom in selenium POM in Selenium refers to the Page Object Model. It is a design pattern that helps in creating a structured and maintainable automation framework for web applications. The POM approach involves creating a separate class file for each web page...
9 reasons for why selenium is used as testing tool

9 reasons for why selenium is used as testing tool

What is the major difference between driver.close() and driver.quit() in selenium In Selenium, both driver.close() and driver.quit() are used to close the browser window or tab. However, they have slightly different functionalities: driver.close(): This method is used...
What is Selenese

What is Selenese

What is Selenese? How is it classified? Selenese refers to the scripting language used in Selenium, a popular open-source web automation framework. Selenium allows you to automate interactions with web browsers for testing purposes or any other tasks that involve web...
What are the testing types supported by Selenium

What are the testing types supported by Selenium

What are the testing types supported by Selenium? Selenium is a popular open-source framework used for automating web browsers. It provides a range of testing capabilities for web applications. The testing types supported by Selenium include: Functional Testing:...
Selenium faq questions

Selenium faq questions

What are the Selenium suite components? The Selenium suite is a set of tools and libraries used for automating web browsers. It provides various components that facilitate different aspects of web testing and automation. The main components of the Selenium suite are:...