WorkDay Tutorial-ACTIVITY – Create EIB & Template to add Org

 Business Case: You've been asked to create a new inbound EIB called WICT EIB Add Organizations using the Add Update Organization (Web Service). Once saved, generate a spreadsheet so that your company can load new organizations into Workday.

1.       Search for 'create eib' and select the Create EIB task

2.       Select Inbound and click OK

3.       Name the Integration System WICT EIB Add Organizations

     4.       Tab to the ID field (will auto populate) and click Get Data or the  NEXT TO Get Data link

     5.       Select the Template from Web Service Operation  adio button

     6.      From the prompt, search for and select  Add Update Organization (Web Service)

     7.       Click Transform or the  NEXT TO Transform  link and review (no change)

     8.       Click Deliver or the  NEXT TO Deliver  link and review (no change)

     9.       Click Save

     10.   Search for your WICT EIB Add Organizations integration system, remember to select the Integrations category in the Search Results.

     11.   Use the related actions menu to navigate to Template Model >> Generate Spreadsheet Template. Check the box to confirm and click Submit. It will generate as a background process and will be available on the W: Drive.

     12.   Click Done

     13.   Save the spreadsheet to your hard drive, making note of the location

     Saved location: ________________________________________________