WorkDay Tutorial-Spreadsheet Guidelines


·       Always generate a spreadsheet template in Workday for the upload.

·       Keep the template in its original XML SPREADSHEET 2003 format. Do not save a template to any other format.

·       Add only data values to the generated spreadsheet. Do not make formatting changes, introduce hard breaks or returns, rearrange rows or columns, or add new rows and columns. Doing so may cause the upload to fail.


Required Data

·       Each worksheet section, or area, indicates whether an element is optional or required.

·       Each column in the spreadsheet indicates whether a field is optional or required.

Data Types

·       Columns with formats such as YYYY-MM-DD, Y/N, TEXT, or NUMBER accept data only in the specified format.

·       Dates must always be in YYYY-MM-DD format.

·       To protect spreadsheet cell formatting, either enter values manually or reapply the correct formats if you cut and paste data from another spreadsheet or report.


Lookup Columns 

·       Columns identified as holding LOOKUP values must be populated with Workday reference IDs, not the names that appear in the corresponding Workday fields.


·       If reference ID values are empty in Workday, you must assign reference IDs before you can upload data.


ID Columns 

·       When left blank, some ID columns trigger Workday's ID generator to assign new ID values during the upload. Refer to the spreadsheet comments in ID columns to find out whether IDs are automatically generated.


Replacing and Deleting Data 

·       In addition to uploading new data, you can use an EIB spreadsheet to replace or delete existing data. Inbound data automatically replaces existing values. 

·       To delete data, enter {empty} values in spreadsheet cells that are formatted as TEXT fields. 

·       You can use any of Workday's spreadsheet import templates to delete data, but deletion is allowed only in TEXT fields, not LOOKUP fields.

Spreadsheet Column (Field)

Current Data

Inbound Data





No value in field

Employee Type


No value entered in




30350 (Workday reference
ID for Senior Recruiter)

Senior Recruiter